It's a typical Monday for me. Tried to get out of the house a bit early to make it to work by 8:25 to participate in a new prayer get together here at work. However, there were several things blocking the way. One, I couldn't find my sweater on the way out, but still left 10 minutes earlier than usual. Was making good time, then was suddenly stuck on 544 for EVER (it seemed), so got to work just after 8:30 and rushed into a required meeting/presentation from a memory expert. Interesting stats on our brain (which I'm sure I've heard before, but forgotten - no pun intended) - We only use 3-9% of our brain power. WOW! God has made this brain of ours capable of so much and yet, we're not using even 1/4 of what it is designed for. I found that fascinating as I pondered how much more I could remember (including my constant struggle for scripture memorization), and utilize with this noggin. Hmmmmm
One of the things Alan, the memory guy, suggested is slowing down, taking a deep breath and letting ourselves be in the moment. I find that extremely hard as I struggle with the never ending to-do list, what's pressing in life, etc. I'm reminded again that I'm not honoring God with my crazy hectic ways and I'm not a good mom, wife, employee, or servant when I'm overwhelmed with worry and stress. Plus I can't remember squat!
At $400 plus for the entire course (and that's the corporate discount) it's a little steep for my budget, but I was intrigued... It would be kinda cool to have some new skills to help utilize this wonderfully complex organ God blessed me with.
In the mean time, I'll try to remember these things for today...
I can add NOT one second to my life by worrying
God is in control
I must be a God pleaser, not a man pleaser
He who began a good work... and now I can't remember the rest... : ) HA