Monday, October 27, 2008

Memories (not lighting the corners of my mind)

It's a typical Monday for me. Tried to get out of the house a bit early to make it to work by 8:25 to participate in a new prayer get together here at work. However, there were several things blocking the way. One, I couldn't find my sweater on the way out, but still left 10 minutes earlier than usual. Was making good time, then was suddenly stuck on 544 for EVER (it seemed), so got to work just after 8:30 and rushed into a required meeting/presentation from a memory expert. Interesting stats on our brain (which I'm sure I've heard before, but forgotten - no pun intended) - We only use 3-9% of our brain power. WOW! God has made this brain of ours capable of so much and yet, we're not using even 1/4 of what it is designed for. I found that fascinating as I pondered how much more I could remember (including my constant struggle for scripture memorization), and utilize with this noggin. Hmmmmm

One of the things Alan, the memory guy, suggested is slowing down, taking a deep breath and letting ourselves be in the moment. I find that extremely hard as I struggle with the never ending to-do list, what's pressing in life, etc. I'm reminded again that I'm not honoring God with my crazy hectic ways and I'm not a good mom, wife, employee, or servant when I'm overwhelmed with worry and stress. Plus I can't remember squat!

At $400 plus for the entire course (and that's the corporate discount) it's a little steep for my budget, but I was intrigued... It would be kinda cool to have some new skills to help utilize this wonderfully complex organ God blessed me with.

In the mean time, I'll try to remember these things for today...
I can add NOT one second to my life by worrying
God is in control
I must be a God pleaser, not a man pleaser
He who began a good work... and now I can't remember the rest... : ) HA

Friday, September 19, 2008

It's Fall in Florida?

I heard on the radio that Monday was the official start of autumn. Statements like that always make me smile. The word autumn brings images of chilly air, beautiful colored leaves and new sweaters to wear. HA! Not really our reality here in Florida.

It's hard to believe that the end of 2008 will soon be here. Seems like New Year's Day was just celebrated. It was just a few short months ago that Jesse and I had our first conversation about what God was doing in his life and the vision of church planting was strong in his mind. I remember thinking, "Wow, good for you Jess. I'll be praying for ya." Never in a million years did I think my family and I would be part of this amazing ride. Now that we've been here a few months, the reality of our "fall" into this season is upon me.

My initial idea of how things would play out is not at all what's unfolding and you know what, that OK. I was pretty sure we (the church plant) would be in full swing by now with me working pretty much in the same capacity as I did in South Florida. That is NOT what I'm doing! : ) And, it's a good thing right now. Jesse has really challenged us to a new way of thinking; one that resonates with me on multiple levels and one that God has been preparing in my heart for some time. It's always sweet to look backward and see the steps God has orchestrated in my life to bring me to new revelation and greater appreciation for his sovereignty and plans for me and my family and for those around me.

It's hard to accurately articulate everything that's been discussed, prayed about and worked out in the life of the church formally known as "Church of the Highlands, Four Corners" (more about that later), but in a large nutshell, here's the plan as I understand it...

We, the launch team (Launch Team = good - Not CORE TEAM = BAD - that's kind of an inside joke) I DIGRESS...

We the launch team, have been challenged to not just do church, but be the church, (I know that's a very over-used phrase) by being incarnational in our ministry. Basically we need to be building relationships with others in our community and circles of influence not as a "to do," but in order to make our Christianity a 24/7 deal and learn to truly love others and serve them and naturally share the gospel with them. We don't want our future church services to be the end all for when folks hear the gospel or make that our only vehicle for life change. We do believe that the approach of incarnational ministry and attractional ministry together is a formula that works well, but it's the percentage of each that we're dealing with right now. Jesse said, right now, we should be 90% incarnational and 10% attractional. So... our services, which are on Saturday night right now are more of a teaching time for how we can be equipped to do that. We've been spending the last several weeks talking about our plans. It's so much info, but here's some bullet points...

  • Small Groups Starting in October
  • Triads Starting in October (this is an intensive discipleship model)
  • Community Outreach events (like Trunk or Treat - see end of post)
  • Preview Service Christmas Eve
  • Recruiting launch team members to total 100 adults by Launch Date
  • Launch Date - Easter 2009
  • Re-naming of the church (which we've already done) - We're now known as "The Roots Community" - We've got to change all our documentation, etc. so that's in the works.

Anyway, if you need clarification on any of that, call Jesse! : )

On a personal note, tomorrow the kids and I leave for Lake Worth/Boynton Beach to see our pals "down south." I'm looking forward to Genie's CD release and seeing my South Palm family. Big surprise, I'm going to run media on Sunday! Thanks Drew and Genie! I can't wait to see my sister and Daddy and all my other dear ones.

I'm still working the Target gig part-time. CRAZY! And... I've started working full time for my friend, Matt Burks (my other Matt B.) at Northwestern Mutual in Winter Haven. It's a haul from my house every day, but I'm starting to enjoy it. At first I was completely out of my element, but every day gets a bit better. I still have my church duties, so my plates pretty full.

OK - so about the Trunk or Treat thing - Here's our idea (leave it to Jesse to come up with this!) We want to have "Florida's Largest Trunk or Treat!" Don't know what that is? GOOGLE it! Basically since we're kind of in a rural area, we want to have a HUGE trunk or treat event and we need HELP! So, we've been challenged with getting 10 friends to commit to helping us and so, wanna help? I can give you details, so send me an e- mail - KBrooks777@gmail or phone me (561) 283-9293 or Home (863) 424-8396 - AKA -Toe I Bite 96 - GROSS

Warren and the kids are doin great, keeping busy, etc. All in all, we're finally feelin less homesick and more connected, but some days, I still shed a tear for "home." WHAT A BABY! Huh?

Well, if you've made it to the end of this novel, congrats. I'm not really sure what the rules of blogging are, but I think I break them.

Enjoying the chill! HA,

P.S. To all my financial/prayer supporters. A million thanks for your constant blessings. I can't tell you what it means to my family and I. Praying for you all too! Also, big news, if you want to donate on line now, just click below.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

20 Years Ago Today

So 20 years ago, I married my darling husband on a very overcast Saturday late afternoon. It seems likes such a short time ago. It was a total 80's hair band wedding. You've never seen so much "bad hair" in one place (especially the wedding party.) However, our dear friend and mentor, Pastor Tommy Kiedis, helped make our wedding ceremony a holy and God centered event. We shared our day with so many wonderful friends and family. It truly was one of the most special days of my life.

Our life has been full of ups and downs; delights and disappointments, but always throught it all, we've stayed together and relied on God to keep us hopeful and pressing on. Our union has beget our three lovely children. Each of them are so dear to us and they amaze us with their unique personalities and giftings as they grow and live their lives.

War and I share so many funny and often disgusting inside jokes, stories, adventures and our history is rich with examples of God's faithfulness to this family.

I am blessed to be Mrs. Warren Alexander Brooks.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

August Update

Tonight finds me at home alone, waiting for Warren to arrive back from Lake Worth. Brittni, War and I were all "back home" for a few days and I came back to my new home late Thursday night with pals, Genie and Jessica because I had to work my Friday shift at Target at 11 am. Bailey and Alex are on holiday (lots of British influences in my new community - Ha) with Warren's parents and fly home tomorrow.

For those friends who don't know, my family and I moved to Davenport, Florida (not Iowa) on June 23rd to help with a church plant in this area. We're joining the Carbos, Olivers, Megan Davis and Michelle Cordero (summer intern) as well as several other families from Miami and Pt. St Lucie who have answered the call of God to join in this adventure in Central Orlando. For me personally, this has been an amazing time of watching God work on my behalf, my family and friends' behalf and be all that He promises to be. Blessings have been many, both financial and otherwise. I'm learning to really take Isaiah 64:4 to heart and wait on the Lord. He is faithful to provide all we need and more. I'll admit, there's been times when I've felt lonely, out of my element and wonder if I have made the right decision in uprooting my family and all that is familiar. When I'm done with my "state of unbelief" - I remember that God did call us out and amazing things are happening to all of us.

The church is currently meeting on Sunday nights where we have a time of music, prayer and teaching (via John Piper's "Blazing Center" DVD) and small groups. It's certainly different than the Sunday services I'm used to, but it's good and I'm enjoying meeting new people and dreaming about the impact God will have on this community as we think about the possibilities for our fledgling church. Piper states, "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." I am praying that will be my heart's desire so that he can use me to be effective in this new home.

As a family update, Warren did not get the coaching job with the school as we had hoped, but we both feel confident that God knows what's best for Warren. War will be in touch with Legends Golf Club to pursue that opportunity this week. The club re-opens later this month so he'll soon be "back to work." All this time off has made Warren very” antsy" and anxious to get back into a normal routine. He applied for a part-time job at Dick's Sporting Goods, but no word yet.

All three kids are looking forward to school starting on the 18th. Brittni will be taking 3 classes at Polk Community College and will continue to work at Michael's Craft Store. Bailey begins her junior year at Ridge Community High and Alex will be in 8th grade at Four Corners Charter school. Please pray for them as they make new friends, get adjusted to new schools and get back to "school mode."

A few weeks back, Jesse encouraged the staff to consider getting part-time jobs. The purpose being two fold; primarily it would be an opportunity for us to meet people in our community and make relationships outside our "church world," secondly we have a chance to make a little extra money (handy right now!) I took his advice and secured a job at the new Target in our area. It's been quite the adventure, one I'm sure I'll be blogging about more later.

For now, I'm more than content, anxious to flex my ministry muscle and looking for God in everything. My new tattoo, "Isaiah 64:4" which is on my right wrist, is a constant reminder of this new chapter in my life and the power of GOD! There is none like Him and I'm glad to be His child. KB